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A member registered Mar 19, 2020

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(2 edits)

I think the problem may have been solved by the person above me's question, it sounds like the same kind of issues I'd been having.

Also: the decrypter linked has a broken link, so I used Petschko's decrypter.

Edit: used the 1.06 installer and am greeted with this image on startup.

edit2: enabled bbgirl and better saves and neither seem to take effect ingame

How do I uninstall?

I had installed this and enabled the better saves mod and now my old pre-modded saves are behaving strangely. Stuff like the messages on the bottom of the screen repeating constantly, the Moonless recruitment message playing whenever I enter the area, open the menu, or get into fights (same effects for herbs regrowing), and the door from the prisons to the catacombs has re-locked. Would uninstalling fix this or is my saves just busted?